A tribute to time, love, carbs, and veggies.

It was hard going through my photos to post this recipe. I had to stop and cry a while, just sitting and letting myself feel the ache created by a void infinitely larger than the 50 pounds of space it once occupied.
We lost our Andy Bobby to cancer on November 9, 2020. The heartbreak was crushing. Anyone who has lost a dear, sweet furry family member knows. Even when you see the closing of your time together on the horizon, it's impossible to be prepared for the loss.
love at first sight
Andy was the puppy I just had to have.

Doug and I were shopping for suits for him, and a shelter had some dogs at the mall for the afternoon. They were packing up for the day when I saw him. I will always remember him rooting around in a potato chip bag that he found on the floor, his little puppy hind end sticking out, as the staff members were gathering their things and the dogs.
The shelter only permitted adoptions from their facility, and they would be closing soon after they got back from the mall event. I didn't have much time to convince Doug that we HAD to go find the shelter and get that puppy.
fast talker
I never talked so fast in my life. We were standing in the mall parking lot, ready to leave as I was pleading my case. Doug asked, incredulously, "Kim. FOUR dogs?!?!" I said, "Yes, but the others are older and all in their routines. It's just one puppy, and he'll learn from them. I can go home every day at lunch to let him out. He can be with you and Dougie every other weekend. Eleven is a good age for a boy to have a dog. Please, please, please, please, PLEASE!"
I used all the ammo I had, shamelessly playing the boy card. Doug reluctantly caved, and we were off to find a shelter we had never heard of, out in the country, forty minutes away. It was a crazy goose chase with no mapping and limited Internet, but we did it!
a few things about andy bobby
- We called him Andy Puppy until we saw "Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby". He became Andy Bobby before the film credits finished, and the name stuck his entire life.
- Andy Bobby was very sweet boy and a particularly talented stare-er. He loved to ride shotgun and hold hands while I drove, gazing at me with his adoring soft brown eyes and making me feel like the most perfect, beautiful driver ever.
- Early each morning he would wake Doug, and they would head downstairs to sit on the sofa and meditate together.
- He enjoyed taking a morning walk around the perimeter of the yard with his Basset Hound sister, Paisley. He also loved playing with Paisley in the living room, but he would stop as soon as he realized he was being watched.
- Andy Bobby acted like a ferocious yard guard, but he didn't have an aggressive bone in his body. He shied away from confrontation and had a heart of gold.
- Andy Bobby was afraid of super windy weather. Twice on really windy days, I opened my eyes while showering to find him sitting in there with me.
- Andy Bobby was wild about carbohydrates and loved vegetables. And that is why this recipe was created. It's a nice alternative to our Chicken & Rice for Dogs recipe as a way to supplement your pup's meals.
I will always be grateful that we somehow found that shelter and adopted Andy. It was fate, and we got to spend nearly fifteen years with him. My heart dog. As I would often tell him, "There's no one like you, Andy Bobby. No one."
Everyone thinks they have the best dog.
And none of them is wrong.

- 1 cup pearl barley
- 3 cups water
- 1 pound BONELESS chicken breast fresh or frozen; NEVER give chicken bones to dogs!
- 3 carrots quartered lengthwise, then sliced; See notes below for safe veggies for dogs.
- 1 cup green beans fresh or frozen; See notes below for safe veggies for dogs.
- Bring water to boil over medium-high heat.
- Stir in barley. Place chicken breast and vegetables on top.
- Cover and simmer on low for 25 minutes or just until barley has absorbed all the water.
- Using kitchen/poultry shears, cut chicken and vegetables into small pieces. Stir to combine.
- Place in container and create a hole in the middle; refrigerate for four hours then cover. (This step is for food safety, so it cools adequately before covering.) Keep refrigerated; good for seven days.
- Add two tablespoons of barley, chicken & veggies mixture to each cup of your dog's kibble at meal times. We always add a little warm water to lightly moisten as well. Stir and watch them enjoy! A-rooo!
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judy Woodruff says
I’m so sorry for your less. We put our 17 year old spaniel/bird dog …..) we are guessing. Want to know how to find out if your mixed breed dog is a bird dog? Feel the top of their mouth- inside the mouth. If that top palette is smooth- you have a bird dog.
The smooth palette allows the dog to bring the bird back to the hunter without crushing or bruising the bird.)
Anyway, we had to put her to sleep about a month ago at 17. She was very ill and unhappy and incontinent . Shi fu was mainly my older daughter’s dog and she, like my daughter, was painfully shy. So, it hurt to see her go, but not as much as it will hurt when it’s my dog Dax’s time.
Dax is tall, dark and handsome.
My 9 year old giant black dog, literally saved my life four years ago when I was attacked by a vicious neighborhood dog with a very violent history. The dog had my entire left thigh in his mouth and when he clamped down, I feel hear the upper part of my thigh just collapsing.
The dog was about 2 inch from my femoral artery. If he had bit through that artery, I could have bled out in under five minutes. But poor wonderful Dax went after the dog and there was a lot of blood. And we all survived.
But Dax, aside from saving my life, is hilarious, warm and 68 pounds of lap dog. I’ve asked him to never die. But I know some day he will. Dogs can break your heart but as. a friend once said “We don’t deserve dogs”.
Also, my unsolicited advise to anyone who is at that final stage with their dog- have a vet come to your house and put your pet to sleep at your home.
A vet or vet tech came to our house ; was lovely and let us cry; took a lock of Shifu’s hair and made a print from her paw with a circle of clay, and we finally said goodbye and the vet took Shifu with her.
I’m sorry for rambling and so sorry for your loss. You know the pain will get duller as the years or months go by. But it will never go completely away.
And it shouldn’t.
Dax and I send hugs to you -
Yappy Kitchen says
Dear Judy, Thank you for your condolences and sharing your stories. I am sorry for your loss as well, and I'm thankful that both you and Dax came through your terrifying experience. Dogs are absolutely incredible. They don't deserve us, and they certainly don't live long enough. They give far more than they take - and that's saying a lot, if you knew my snack-crazy pack! 😁 Hugs to you and yours, my friend. 🥰
Wanda says
You say to add rice but I don’t see it in the ingredients. Can I leave it out. My dog is diabetic and is always hungry so I thought the barley would fill her up. I did not want to add rice. Thanks for sny info you can give
Yappy Kitchen says
Hi, Wanda! That was a typo, and I apologize for any confusion I caused. The recipe directions say barley now. Thank you for bringing it to my attention. Please come back to let us know what your pup thought of this recipe. We hope it's a hit! Kiss your pup for us and enjoy your day! 🐶☀️
Wanda says
Hi again. Promise this is last bother. Can I use hulled barley instead of pearled. Thanks. I am going to make it tomorrow. My puppy is always hungry
Yappy Kitchen says
Hi, Wanda! Thank you for reaching out again... I'm always happy to help! Hulled barley is also safe for dogs. Just make sure to follow the directions for hulled barley, since the liquid amount and cooking times may differ from pearled. Keep in mind that while barley (hulled and pearled) is lower glycemic than brown rice, it is still a carbohydrate and can cause a spike in blood sugar. However, I am not a canine nutritionist. Always talk to your vet first about supplementing your diabetic pup's diet to make sure it's the right thing for your pup. Keep us posted and enjoy your day! 🐶☀️
Michelle says
I am making their food now and storing in freezer for my new pups coming in a few days! I think they will love it!
Yappy Kitchen says
That's great, Michelle! Definitely come back and let us know more. Thank you for commenting and enjoy your day! 🐶❤️☀️
Shawnee says
Appreciate this post. Will try it out.
Yappy Kitchen says
Thanks, Shawnee! Let us know how it goes for you. Enjoy your day! ☀️